Category: Fertility expert

Why Online Fertility Guide in UK are So Popular

Pregnancy guideSimply because, it helps all to get free advice on a myriad of health related issues, especially when it comes to infertility treatment, childbirth, natural conception, fertility acupuncture therapy etc. In London and in all other major cities of England, individuals are now on online health forums which provides loads of information to couples and females on how to increase their fertility in the shortest time. These forums are a great way to learn about the latest innovations in the world of female fertility and more.

It is always advised to all conceiving couples to benefit from one such credible and trustworthy online fertility forum in London, which has contributing members in the form of doctors and therapists. They share their thoughts and valuable advice by answering all your questions related to how to get pregnant naturally and IVF. You can also go for a therapeutic treatment as advised by a physician on an online guide which has some of the leading experts. So, go for enhancing your fertility by increasing your egg or sperm count, through the advice of a specialist online.

Role Of Acupuncture In Addressing Infertility

benefits of acupuncture in fertilityAcupuncture, the traditional Chinese medicine therapy, has been known to have positive effects when treating fertility scenarios. The treatment works big times by reducing stress, increasing the flow of blood to the reproductive organs, and then balancing the endocrine system. Acupuncture treatment to treat infertility is not only about getting pregnant; rather, it is about staying pregnant and conceiving a healthy baby. There are plenty of benefits but the most important of all is providing better flow of blood to ovaries and uterus. So naturally, this approach helps in nourishing the eggs, while ensuring safety.

Modern acupuncture process revolves around gentle stimulation and insertion of disposable, thin, and sterile needles at strategic points close to the surface of the body. As per Chinese medicine practitioners, these meridians play an integral role in conducting energy or QI between the internal organs and surface of the body. It is the QI that plays an important role in regulating the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual balance. When the flow of QI is disrupted because of certain circumstances or poor health habits, diseases and pain occur. The acupuncture process plays an integral role in keeping the flow of energy normal and unblocked, thus increasing the chance of conceiving.

Speaking about benefits of acupuncture in fertility, this treatment therapy has the power to improve almost every single cause that leads to infertility scenarios. Whether it is about improving the sperm count in the male or nourishing the eggs in the female, acupuncture therapy plays a significant role in improving the overall situation. Acupuncture also plays a crucial role in managing stress-related disorders. Stress is often considered a key factor in both men and women. People under stress suffer primarily because of the release of a certain hormone known as Cortisol in the brain. This hormone results in altering the neurochemical balance of the brain, thus disrupting the pituitary balance and changing the hormone levels. So, the reproductive cycle gets hampered severely.

Acupuncture can also help in addressing issues with the functioning of your thyroid glands. There can be scenarios when the over or under functioning of thyroid glands can have a negative impact on fertility. If acupuncture therapy is properly used, the scenarios can be treated in the most effective way. Acupuncture can be used for treating certain thyroid based fertility disorders like a spasmed tube. In fact, using acupuncture process, the spasmed tubes can be de-spasmed. Once the blocked tubes get unblocked, the treatment process starts showing the more positive effect on the part.

However, keep in mind, acupuncture may not be the best option to address issues concerning tubal adhesions. But then, this therapy has proved effective in addressing issues related to areas like large intestine, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, bladder, and points related to the lower abdomen. Speaking about side effects, acupuncture infertility treatment is always a safer alternative to the scenario. Side effects are minimal or null, depending on the condition of the patient. However, it is recommended to look for a reputed acupuncturist to get the treatment.

Acupuncture And Its Involvement In Handling PCOS Problems

How to manage PCOS through acupuncture?

According to medical science, Polycystic Ovary mainly takes place when a sort of chronic anovulatory state persists for quite a lengthy period. However, anovulation happens because of different reasons.

According to a recent medical report, the sympathetic nervous system remains hyperactive in women suffering from Polycystic Ovary problem. This sympathetic hyperactivity precedes the anovulation phase. This may well be the underlying cause for the occurrence of PCOS. Acupuncture, on the other hand, can help in reversing some of the harms being done by the syndrome, most notably decreasing the androgen levels, restoring the regular oculation part, and regulating ovarian blood flow as well the function of the HPG axis.

If done properly, acupuncture can help in restoring the normal ovulation part, resulting in decreasing the ovarian cysts and size in the PCOS patients.

Many people ask, how to manage PCOS through acupuncture. Well, Acupuncture helps in increasing the flow of blood in and around the ovary regions. If the treatment is carried out suitably, it helps in reducing the number of ovarian cysts and ovarian volume.  It also helps in controlling hyperglycaemia through the increase in insulin sensitivity while regulating the insulin level as well the blood glucose levels.

Acupuncture also plays a major role in reducing the overall cortisol levels while playing an assisting role in the weight reduction process. It also regulates the oestrogen cycles while reducing the overall testosterone levels to normalize the ovulation part. If handled by an expert acupuncturist, the process can prove to be highly effective in reducing the sympathetic nervous system drive and sympathetic nervous outflow. It also helps in increasing the menstrual frequency by about 40%.

Acupuncture for PCOS has proved to be more effective if combined with the right kind of herbs. The combination of Acupuncture and herbs help PCOS by reducing insulin resistance, body mass index, testosterone level, and growth of follicle-stimulating hormone.

How Acupuncture Therapy Can Effectively Cure Male Infertility?


Cure male infertility
Male fertility is primarily measured by the quality of sperm being produced as well the total sperm count. Infertility happens if a man has sperm count lower than 20 million per milliliter. A man would be declared sterile if the sperm count is less than 500,000 per milliliter. Therefore, it’s essential for a man to undergo semen analysis if there’s a problem facing pregnancy.

Semen analysis is carried out by light microscope. Scanning the electron particles under the microscope is done to determine the sperm count. Whenever there happens a problem with pregnancy, females are the ones to be accused. But remember, males can be equally responsible for the situation. Male infertility is a big issue these days. But then, there are ways to treat the situation, acupuncture is one of the most useful procedures to consider.

Several research works have proved the fact that acupuncture treatment can help in improving sperm count and motility rate in the males. Acupuncture for male infertility has proved to be highly effective in increasing the percentage of sperm count in men. In fact, it helps in normal sperm formation in infertile males. However, acupuncture treatment never focuses on the quality of sperm being generated. The ultimate focus is on increasing the sperm count in males through stimulation of the cells and passing of energy and flow of blood to different parts of the body.

If you are suffering from low sperm count, acupuncture treatment can help in increasing the levels while speeding up the time to conception. However, finding a suitable acupuncturist is of crucial importance. When looking for an acupuncture specialist, make sure you opt for a professional who has experience in treating infertility. Also, make sure you find a professional who is licensed by the state. This is a critical situation. So you must not simply approach any of the acupuncturists available on site. You can look for professionals that have achieved certification through ABORM (American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine). These professional have achieved specialization in infertility acupuncture process. They have proper knowledge related to advanced training and techniques. Therefore, you will be in safe hands if you opt for ABORM certified acupuncturists.

Always keep in mind that acupuncture therapy is basically a sort of holistic medicinal approach that addresses the entire body and not any specific symptom. During your first visit, the acupuncturist will have a detailed consultation with you in regards to your condition, past medical background, treatment history, and so on. The professional will carry out a complete review of the systems to have a clear understanding of your present health condition. The acupuncturist will also ask your partner to join the initial consultation phase. After consultation, the professional will use specially sterilized needles and inject it on certain areas of your body as a part of the treatment process. Special herbs are often burnt at the end of the needles for better stimulation and improved blood flow. This appraoch ultimately helps in improving sperm count.

6 Essential Points To Prove The Importance Of Acupuncture In Fertility Treatment

6 Essential Points To Prove The Importance Of Acupuncture In Fertility Treatment


Acupuncture In Fertility TreatmentAcupuncture may not be your usual treatment procedure but definitely promises a lot of benefit and improvement when it comes to discrepancies in pregnant women. In fact, acupuncture can work wonders for women having fertility issues.  

  • Increases the chances of pregnancy

Well, acupuncture treatment is not only considered effective in making you pregnant but also provides great support to ease the pregnancy period. It helps with the maintenance and development stages of pregnancy. This traditional Chinese treatment is known to secure the pregnancy while ensuring that the child inside is not deprived of a luminous complexion. Acupuncture helps in generating positive vibes within the pregnant lady while discouraging miscarriage.  

  • Helps in addressing different pregnancy symptoms 

Acupuncture treatment has proved to be extremely effective in handling different symptoms that may occur during pregnancy like soreness in breasts, insomnia, bloating, fatigue, ligament pain, appetite loss, leg cramps, swollen feet, forgetfulness, and many more. And the best part is that this treatment process is totally safe and comes with the bare minimum to nil side effects. 

  • Balancing the emotional part

Acupuncture has the ability to effectively balance stress, anger, frustration, overwhelm, depression, anxiety, and mood swings during pregnancy. Acupuncture helps in offering a soothing effect on the mind and body while ensuring that the body becomes more tolerant to stressors.  

  • Turning breech babies

This is one of the most crucial points to consider when undergoing acupuncture treatment. This treatment has proved to be highly effective in turning breech babies without causing any kind of complexity.  The process is regarded effective, comfortable, safe, and simple.  

  • Inducing the labor

It must be kept in mind that every baby has its own timeframe. But if you are interested in suggesting a specific timeframe, inducing the labor using acupuncture promises to have a 70-80% success rate.  

  • Post Partum Relief

Acupuncture helps in speeding the recuperation after the labor, alleviating fatigue, addressing mastitis, improving lactation, easing any kind of body pain, and handling post-partum depression.

How Acupuncture Helps In Treating Various Conditions In Women

Womens health.jpg

Irregular periods can be an indication that you are suffering from PCOS. However, not everyone suffering from irregular periods and menstrual problems are diagnosed with PCOS. There are several instances where a woman suffering from PCOS problem experiences regular periods. In most common cases, the PCOS scenario happens in women with high level of insulin and androgen hormonal growth in the body. It results in disrupting the overall menstruation and ovulation cycle.  

Acupuncture & Women’s Health

Menstruation & PCOS 

Those suffering from PCOS may experience abnormal menstruation cycle. The period may stop altogether or irregular. On an average, the menstruation cycle is counted for 28 days with a single ovulation that determines the release of the eggs. However, if the period slightly shifts in between 21-35 days, then also there’s nothing to be worried about. In fact, such instances are also considered to be normal. The menstruation cycle is termed as irregular if:

  • The menstrual cycle happens for over 35 days
  • Less than 9 menstrual cycles in a calendar year

Women being diagnosed with PCOS often experience some form of bleeding during the menstrual cycle. Undergoing acupuncture treatment can help in fighting PCOS problems and offering the necessary cure. There are certain clinics that offer specialized acupuncture for PCOS treatment options.   

Acupuncture during Pregnancy 

Acupuncture is a safe procedure that promises no kind of side effects. During pregnancy, this alternative treatment process is used for treating pain in and around the back and pelvic region. It also helps in treating nausea problems. But then, it is necessary to consider the services of a reputed acupuncturist. Look for a licensed acupuncture clinic in London to treat your case.  

Pre-Birth Acupuncture 

Pre-birth treatments are necessary since they help the body to get prepared for the labor. Acupuncture has proved to be an effective pre-birth treatment to support the sinews and ligaments while widening and stretching the pelvic region. In fact, fertility acupuncture treatment helps in boosting the energy reserves in the patient while ripening and softening the cervix. However, you must keep in mind that the pre-birth treatments would commence not before the 36th week. Once commenced, it will continue until the 39th week.   

Postpartum Acupuncture 

It’s a proven fact that acupuncture treatment helps in relieving depression during the postpartum stages. In fact, quite a few research works have concluded the fact that acupuncture treatment, when combined with a psychological intervention, promises to have a great efficacy rate in treating postpartum depression. At the same time, the chances of having any kind of adverse reaction because of the treatment are negative.

 Acupuncture for menopause

Research works have clearly indicated the fact that acupuncture treatment has the ability to reduce ailments caused by menopause like night sweats, aches, pains, and hot flushes. These symptoms basically happen as a result of hormonal changes occurring in the body. Acupuncture treatment can prove to be beneficial in treating these critical conditions and providing the best of relief.  You can visit to learn more about the benefits.

Acupuncture is an ancient form of treatment that has its origin in Asian subcontinents. Although not medically approved, the benefits and effectiveness of acupuncture treatment process cannot be simply ignored.

The Rising Popularity Of Fertility Treatments

As per a major health survey, approaching infertility services have experienced a 7% growth in the last 8 months. Clients seeking such services are mostly female, in the age group of 15-40 years. But cost for such treatment services is also a major point of concern. Treatments like surrogacy or invitro-fertilization can be real expensive affair and may cost some thousands of dollars!

Fertility Treatment in UK

How are people dealing with such high costs? As per surveys, these services are of great demand and there is a massive growth in customer base. So, does this mean the clients seeking such services have a great income capacity? Or is there anything else that’s making the fuzz? Let us consider certain angles to the scenario.

Infertility treatments are not merely for the heterosexuals

It’s very easy to predict that heterosexual couples only seek fertility treatment. But such is not the case always. You will also find many single women who look for sperm donor or prefer freezing their eggs when it comes to conceiving. Freeing the eggs allows the woman to conceive at a later stage without further going for any sexual intercourse and copulation method. For those, who are not involved in sexual intercourse or may be same-sex couple would love to seek for sperm donors for producing biological child (through test-tube procedure). For any of these scenarios, you would require assistance from fertility expert UK. Such fertility scenarios are more common these days than they used to be a couple of years earlier.

When it comes to conceiving through fertility treatments, not every woman has the potential to conceive at the first round. For those, multiple rounds of treatment are required. This takes us back to where we started: how does the funding is managed by local couples or even the individuals? There is always a question mark on how they manage the cost. Either they are filthy rich or there may be lucky enough to receive medical treatment donation through some sort of crowd-funding campaigns or there may be something else. Who knows? Health coverage issues cannot be overruled in such scenarios.

Can Acupuncture Helps In Fighting PCOS condition In Women

A lot of medical research works have come up with the fact that acupuncture treatment can have a positive effect in curing PCOS condition in women. PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is caused due to several factors, the primary being body’s excess releasing of androgen, a male hormone. However, there are also other factors that may give rise to such a condition. Have a look: 

What results in causing PCOS?

As already discussed, the production of androgen male hormone in excess amount can cause this problem in females. Other than this, if you have an excess amount of insulin content in your blood, the chance of accumulating this syndrome is higher. Sleep disorder, excess body fat, and extreme stress factor can also result in giving rise to PCOS.  

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Treatment

The role being played by acupuncture in providing the best of relief

Acupuncture procedure is a natural treatment option that helps in improving the flow of blood to the ovaries. It would also help in reducing the chances of cyst formation in and around the ovary region. Acupuncture for PCOS has also proved to be extremely effective in reducing the sympathetic nervous systems and also the cortisol levels. It also helps in promoting weight loss and regulating the insulin and blood glucose levels.

You may not believe but with a proper acupuncture treatment session being carried out at regular intervals, your menstrual frequency level would increase by a moderate percentage. It would also help in reducing the sympathetic nervous outflow as well the testosterone level.

Speaking about acupuncture procedures, the process becomes more effective when you combine it with herbs. The procedure of moxibustion is henceforth, a highly effective way to treat your PCOS scenario and provide you with better results. However, it is recommended to approach a reputed and experienced acupuncture specialist to handle the situation.

Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy

Acupuncture is an alternative medical process that involves insertion of highly sterile and ultra thin needles into specific areas of the body to promote better blood circulation and energy level. There are special areas of the bodies where these needles are only inserted. These areas are often regarded as meridians and help in regulating the body functional aspects when the needles are inserted.  Acupuncture procedure is regarded extremely effective in treating infertility scenarios. It is helpful in addressing problems like over-functioning thyroid and under-functioning thyroid. Both these scenarios play a strong role in affecting the fertility.

Is acupuncture effective enough for treating infertility? 

When combined with herbal medicine, acupuncture can be used for treating infertility scenarios in women. However, the process will not be effective in addressing tubal adhesions that may arise because of pelvic inflammatory diseases or endometriosis. But then, the acupuncture treatment can be beneficial for such scenarios because the combo of herbs and acupuncture would result in improved follicular and ovarian function. Also, the acupuncture for fertility helps in improving the blood flow the endometrium, helping in to facilitate a highly rich and thick lining.


When is the right time to begin the treatment?

According to a reputed fertility acupuncture London  clinic, patients are advised to get treated for a period of 3-4 months prior to the insemination, donor egg transfer, or in-vitro fertilization process. In fact, you must not worry or get tensed with acupuncture. The process is much similar to the physical therapy and totally painless. Also, the number of sittings have a positive impact on the patient. It would leave a therapeutic effect on the patient.  According to the clinic, the most effective and result oriented fertility treatment would definitely involve the perfect combination of traditional medicine, herbal medicine, and acupuncture. However, if the traditional medical interventions are not made, there can be an occasional chance of conception. So what this suggests is the fact that you must follow the traditional medical approach while including acupuncture and herbal medicine as an additional measure to improve fertility.

When should I take a halt? Is there any risk involved?

In general, miscarriages mostly take place within the first 90 days of the pregnancy cycle. Consequently, the treatment of patients may often last through the 12th week to prevent the chances of miscarriage.  Speaking about risks, well, there are basically minimal risks being involved for the part. There is only a risk of miscarriage if incorrect acupuncture points are being used during the pregnancy period. This is probably the only reason why it’s recommended to look for a highly experienced acupuncture fertility specialist to get the treatment carried out. There are special experts in acupuncture treatment who specializes in treating fertility disorders. However, in spite of these, acupuncture procedure is regarded as a safe alternative treatment even if the patient comes with a poor medical background.

Before signing off, just keep one major thing in mind. There are certain points that need to be avoided for IVF acupuncture needle insertion once the patient has become pregnant. These points include gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, spleen, bladder, and points in the lower abdomen part.

Get To Know The Importance Of Acupuncture For A Smooth Fertility

Get To Know The Importance Of Acupuncture For A Smooth Fertility

The fertility stage is perhaps the most critical for you as would be mom who would like to conceive smoothly.  We would like to state that this is a period where stress is a common development and you will certainly like to handle it with extreme care. You are perhaps consulting a medical professional but we say that your best option at this stage is to avail services in regards to fertility acupuncture Wokingham. Plenty of fertility experts today are convinced that it is only acupuncture theory, which can help you to go through this stage in a smooth manner. The theory falls under the ancient Chinese medicine and its origins date back to at least 3000 years ago in China. The process is about soft needle incursions into your body and about three months of regular treatment should work wonders for your precise fertility state. Now, you would perhaps want to know as to how this can help you and we have looked to offer you a guide.

How does acupuncture theory help out?

You will quickly have to work out a date with this one top professional offering IVF acupuncture Wokingham and start the treatment procedure.  There are many ways as to how it helps you.

  • There has been ultrasound tests conducted and the result has thrown up that acupuncture improves uterine blood flow. It creates a better atmosphere for impanation.
  • The technique has a calming effect on the person receiving it and this is just what you require for a smooth fertility.
  • You could say that the process reduces stress and that is some great news for any pregnant woman.

Hence, the use of this theory is just perfect for you as a woman struggling on fertility issues. There just could be nothing like it, if you avail fertility acupuncture treatment right on the day of your embryo transfer.  It is one of the most natural ways to improve your success of conceiving.